6 Ways to Get Organic Traffic Using the Power of Content

Most website owners and bloggers dream of ranking in Google's top ten for their respective keywords. But, many of them are on the verge of giving up, as they are tired of getting links through various search engine optimization techniques. There is no doubt that links are still an incredibly important ranking factor, but this does not mean that you have to hunt downlinks from every site that you are across. This in-depth article will not talk about proven methods of building links without linking to the panel, such as scale link building, anchor text, and editor links. Instead, you'll learn some powerful ways to write articles and bring more organic traffic to your site, which will gain more customers for you, and enable your site to rank in the top 10 on Google, without lifting a finger to backlinks for.

Here is a quick rundown of the tips to get more organic traffic through content:


2. Use long-tail keywords








1. Plug into the blogosphere

The blog world is an interactive place. You would often find yourself reading and sharing relevant knowledge amongst your peers. So how can you take advantage of this? Read and link to other people's sites and blogs, especially the people working in your market niche, and hope that they will read, comment and link to you as well. This helps attract more prospects of generating good quality traction to your website. Another good place to start is Quora. One neat strategy to get your voice out is to spend some time on Quora to answer people's questions and provide real, valuable and tangible information for the specific area in which you specialize.

2. Use long-tail keywords

Don't go with the most popular keywords in your market. Use keywords that are more specific to your product or service. Over time, Google and other search engines will recognize your website or blog as a destination for that particular topic, which in turn will boost your content in search rankings and help your ideal customers find you. The quicker way to boost recognition is to use long-tail keywords to support your primary keywords. Long-tail keywords are sentences that contain your keywords. Google gives special respect to long-tail keywords now, given the surge in voice search SEO.

Remember: Ranking on Google owns a sphere of influence for a specific niche topic. For example, this blog post is targeted towards those who want specific learning on increasing organic traffic. We are not targeting keywords related to every SEO.

3. Get Social

It is not enough to produce great content and hope people find it - you have to be active. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. Twitter is ideal for short, snappy (and enticing) links, while Google+ promotion can help your site appear in personal search results and seems particularly effective in B2B niches. If you are a B2C product company, you can get great attraction with image-heavy social sites like Pinterest and Instagram. It is recommended to use social media marketing more and more here.

4. Post content on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network and now it’s also a valuable publishing platform by itself, which means that you should post content on LinkedIn on a regular basis. Doing so can boost traffic to your site, as well as increase your profile within your industry - especially if you are a medium to large scale business.

5. Encourage incoming links

Google prioritizes sites that have lots of incoming links, especially from other trusted sites. Encourage customers, friends, family members, partners, suppliers, industry mavens and friendly fellow bloggers to share your content. The more incoming links you have, the higher the rank of your site, because quite simply, it is as authoritative as the search engines.

6. Blow your own bugle

You can also link to your content yourself, on your personal blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleup, etc. - no spamming, keep in mind. If people on social media and spend time with your content, it is a strong signal to Google that the content is relevant, useful and interesting.

7. Use data and metrics to optimize results

Use something like Google Analytics to track visitors to your site and blog. Able to see where they come from and what keywords they have searched for that allow you to fix your content. Finally, to increase organic site traffic, you have to give your customers what they want - quality advice, information and insights.

8. Do not ignore email marketing

So many businesses are focused on attracting new customers through content marketing that they forget about more traditional methods. Email marketing can be a powerful tool, and even a successful email blast can result in a significant increase in traffic. Just be careful not to bombard people with relentless emails about every single update in your business. In addition, especially from those who are enjoying your products or services, do not ignore the power of word-based marketing. A friendly email reminder about a new service or product can also help you boost your traffic.

9. Make sure your site is responsive

The days when internet browsing was done exclusively on desktop PCs have been around for a long time. Today, more people than ever are using mobile devices to access the web, and if you force your visitors to pinch and scroll your way to your site, you basically have them somewhere and asking to leave. Even if you have a basic website, you still need to ensure that it is accessible and comfortably viewable across a range of devices, including small smartphones.