2020 brought businesses to an unexpected situation, drowning the small and medium enterprises into an ocean of fear and uncertainty about their future. The Covid-19 pandemic made enterprises shut down their shops for good and making new changes in the business can lead to new risks and costs. 2020 single-handedly took the enterprises towards downfall and its effects might not disappear any time soon. In case, you’re one of those organizations who took the pandemic blow, here are a few tips you can apply for a more fulfilling and beneficial business this year.
Updating your website helps keep your customers well informed and feel authoritative from the details published on your site. Adding a COVID-19 statement to the header, footer, and homepage of your site is a must irrespective of if you have been affected by the pandemic. If you’re an e-commerce site or have a physical store, it is a chance to update your online inventory, posting pictures, and giving a detailed description of your products.
Managing social media handles can be stressful sometimes especially while running a successful independent business. However, optimizing your posts and scheduling them to post at a specific hour can help your business towards a prosperous year. Optimizing your profile and appearing on search results organically can help increase traffic to your website.
Reviews make up an important part of building your online presence. Regular reviews from customers or clients can help build your company a positive online presence. Ask your clients to rate their experience on popular business sites like Google or Yelp. However, getting reviews from customers alone does not help in building a presence. Timely responses to their reviews healthily and professionally regardless of it being a negative or positive comment help boost your business.
Beating your competitors is one way to boost your business way. However, there is another way to enhance your business and that is by collaborating. If you’re thinking collaborating means just a mere giveaway, well, you’re wrong! Harsh truth time: giveaways don’t work. So, what do we mean by collaborating? Collaborating is much more than that. For example, contact organizations within your niche and hold an online event.
Google Analytics is a simple, easy-to-use tool by Google which helps you view statistics as extremely crucial for your business. Don’t know how to install Google Analytics to your website? Well, it’s super easy! Create a google account, put relevant details of your business then add the code to your HTML. If you’re still confused, well, that’s what we are here for. Google Analytics helps you give all relevant information starting from how many visits your website, the duration of their stay on the site, what they do, and if they will convert to buyers. If you think the list ends here, you couldn’t be more wrong. It also tracks where your visitors are from, your transactions, who viewed your products, adding them to the cart, and who did or did not check out. Well, if you need more insights about it, here’s a simple step for you. Add Google Analytics to your website!
The final tip of the day is to keep an eye on industries with your niche. Be alert of who buys your product, why they are buying from you, who are your big competitors to better improve your business. In the year 2020, companies related to hand sanitizers or toilet papers have seen enormous success. As well as companies related to home delivery services and pickups. Therefore, it is important to keep your business flexible enough to spin around whenever needed.
The past year took a heavy toll on most of the people. Even if you have seen an increase in sales or a rise in customer satisfaction, you might have still had some problems getting accustomed to the situation. If you’re facing a loss in sales or experiencing a decline in your enterprise, we hope that these tips help you in boosting your business and reach your entrepreneurial goal.